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SeaNav Pebble Smartwatch User Guide
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Using SeaNav and the Pebble Smartwatch

The SeaNav Pebble watchface displays live navigation data and alerts on your Pebble Smartwatch wherever you are on your boat. The data is obtained from  SeaNav AR  or optionally via  SeaNav AR  and Navico GoFree from a Simrad/Lowrance or B&G Multi-function Display (MFD). The following screens are available on your watch:-

and there are three alarm/action functions:-

  1. Waypoint reached. The Pebble will vibrate to alert the user that a waypoint has been reached and switch to the Waypoint view.
  2. CPA Alarm - If a CPA is detected by SeaNav the Pebble will show an alarm with the CPA display and vibrate.
  3. Countdown timer. Set to countdown from 5 minutes, vibrates on the minute and double vibrates on last 30s.

Installing the free SeaNav Pebble watch face.

To install the SeaNav watch face on your Pebble Smartwatch go to the Pebble App on your iPhone, tap Get Apps and Search for SeaNav. Once installed on your watch re-open the SeaNav app on your iPhone or iPad and tap the Sailing icon to display the SeaNav watch face on your watch and select Use Pebble in Settings.


Once installed on your Pebble Smartwatch, the SeaNav watch face will launch automatically when you tap the "Sailing" button in SeaNav. It starts on the Speed, Course and Time screen. Scroll through the other screens using the Pebble Smartwatch up and down buttons. The SeaNav watchface closes back to your regular watchface when you stop sailing. You can turn off the SeaNav Pebble Smartwatch face by sliding the switch in settings to off.

You can use the “Demo mode” in SeaNav to try out the SeaNav watch face without having to go to sea first! Turn Demo mode on (under User guide and FAQ in settings) and you will be transported to a simulated position either in the Solent (UK version) or San Francisco bay (US version ) ready to sail a pre-installed route. Tap the sailing button bottom left and SeaNav will simulate sailing the route including course changes and you can watch and feel the progress on your Pebble Smartwatch too.

Using the SeaNav Pebble Smartwatch face.

Once installed and enabled in settings the watch face will automatically display when you start sailing mode in SeaNav (tap Sailboat icon at bottom left of SeaNav screen). You cycle through the screens by pressing the Pebble right hand side up and down buttons  ( see video). When you disable Sailing mode in SeaNav your watch will revert to its regular watch face. The various SeaNav Watch screens and what they show are described below.

Compass, Speed, Course and Time.


The compass shows your boat in ‘course up’ position and an N where North is  (Magnetic or True) relative to your course. The speed is in Knots,  course is marked with an M or T to show whether it is Magnetic or True degrees. Press the centre button (>) to set and view the countdown timer and alarm.


Shows distance (DWP) , bearing to waypoint (BWP) and time (TWP) to next waypoint. Course up compass with arrow showing relative direction to next waypoint (*). Vibrates when waypoint reached and automatically switches to next waypoint.

AIS Ship Radar

Course up map display with boats shown as triangles with sharp end indicating their course. Any CPA target boats are shown as filled triangles. AIS radar range adjusts automatically to reduce clutter. Maximum range is 10 miles and minimum of 2 NM.

CPA Alarm

When a closest point of approach (CPA) situation is detected (passing within 0.1NM (200m) in the next 10 minutes), pebble vibrates and automatically switches to the  closest point of approach (CPA) view. The distance at CPA (CPD) , closest point of approach bearing relative to boat (BRG and * on screen), time to CPA (CPT), )  and relative track of the CPA target. (arrowed line) on the screen.

WIND (requires NMEA or GoFree for wind data)


True, Apparent  and ‘Bowman’  Laylines wind screens on separate sub-screens. Press the centre button (>) to cycle through them.  The True wind speed screen shows wind speed (TWS) , direction (TWD)  and time to waypoint (TTW). The next screen shows the apparent wind speed (AWS), angle (AWA) and time to waypoint (TTW). The third screen shows the wind port and starboard laylines (closest angle to the wind to be sailed on each tack) about the wind direction (T), the boat relative wind direction and the time remaining on each tack - starboard (S) and port (P)  to the next waypoint and the time to next waypoint (TTW).

Depth (requires NMEA or GoFree for depth data)

Shows current depth and graphic with history over the last 12 minutes.  Depths scroll to the left.

N.B. Requires GoFree and MFD to obtain depth data.


Bluetooth and range

The Pebble Smartwatch and your iPhone and iPad need to be paired over Bluetooth to work together. This connection works over quite a range, 100ft (30m) in our testing but can sometimes drop. If the SeaNav watch face should disappear you will need to re-pair your Pebble with your iPhone/iPad.


We have carried out battery life tests with the SeaNav watchface on the Pebble Smartwatch and successfully ran it for well over 24 hours before the Pebble Smartwatch needed re-charging.

“Not in sailing mode”

The Pebble shows this if the SeaNav app is running on your Pebble but you are not in sailing mode on your iOS device (bottom left sailing icon selected). Normally the Pebble SeaNav app will launch and close on your Pebble Watch as you start and stop sailing mode in SeaNav.

Two versions of SeaNav on your iOS Device

We have come across a problem with connecting with the Pebble when two versions of SeaNav are on your iOS device with iOS9 - for instance the SeaNav free and SeaNav US. Pebble will only talk with the first version of SeaNav that it has been “imprinted” with. The only way to re-imprint is to factory reset your Pebble watch (via settings) and re-install the SeaNav iOS and Pebble App.

Using SeaNav

SeaNav lets you plan and navigate your trips in real time with the latest Digital Vector Marine charts. The user guide is here SeaNav AR userguide .

Getting Help

How do I contact you with Suggestions and Questions?

We're always happy to hear your ideas on how we should improve our products - please send an email to

Anything Else?

Pocket Mariner have other great apps for iPhone and Android- if you're a fan of SeaNav you are sure to enjoy apps like Boat Beacon which provides real time Marine AIS ship position receive and transmit and Compass Eye the first fully Gimballed iPhone Bearing compass with zoom and overlaid gps information.

And finally, you may like to know that Pocket Mariner can develop mobile applications for your company - if you have a project you'd like to discuss, please email us at

Third Party Licenses and Notices

NOTICE: The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) and its licensors make no warranties or representations, express or implied, with respect to this product. The UKHO and its licensors have not verified the information within this product or quality assured it.

NOTICE: US marine charts are derived from the official NOAA ENC� vector chart data.


SeaNav has been licensed to you under the Apple End User License Agreement (EULA)

Please note this program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but with NO WARRANTY. It is for basic navigational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon in situations where precise location information is needed or where erroneous, inaccurate or incomplete location data may lead to death, personal injury, property or environmental damage. Neither the Application Provider, nor any of its content providers, guarantees the availability, accuracy, completeness, reliability, or timeliness of information or location data displayed by any Services.

N.B. SeaNav is not an AIS transponder. You will not be visible to other ships on their AIS systems unless they also use data from the same land based AIS networks.

The accuracy of digital compass headings can be affected by magnetic or other environmental interference, including interference caused by proximity to the magnets contained in the iPhone earbuds. The compass may need to be calibrated from time to time. When the device displays the calibration alert, move the device in a figure 8 motion until the calibration screen disappears. See Apple support for more information.